Wednesday’s Timetable in Term 3

In order to support our senior students in term 3 (due to the range of learning disruptions in terms 1 and 2) and to keep the timetable structure as ‘normal’ as possible, we have tweaked the structure of Wednesday’s timetable in term 3.

8:35-8.50: Whanau time

8.50-9.10: Assembly

9.15-10.15: Bootcamp, trainers are Riria Wall and her team.

10.15-10.55: Break One

11.00-11.30: Guest speakers (careers / wellbeing)


  • Year 9 and 10 students alternate fortnightly between Hauora (Wellbeing) and STEAMM learning time.

  • Year 11, 12 and 13 students will have time with their year level deans every week to update individual progress and assessment plans, have access to scholarship assessment learning time, complete applications for tertiary study and financial scholarship applications, and complete work on internal assessments including art and photography work with teacher support.

  • Kapa Haka students train during this time

12.45-1.25 - Break Two

13:25-3.10 - Clubs, students choose one. Based on the feedback of staff and students' term 3 clubs are: Tech Angels and Chess; Environment and Agriculture; Art and Crafts; Badminton and Pickle Ball; Masterminds; Sports Practice; Tennis and Squash; Marine Science; School Band, Junior Study; and Senior Study. There is a greater emphasis on study time and having specialist teachers on hand to support the seniors with their completion of internals and preparation for external exams.

Note that the first Wednesday back (term 3, week 1) will be a Monday timetable, due to the Staff Only Day on Monday of week one. There will be NO Bootcamp in week 1. Students are to wear normal uniform to school. We’ll remind them on Tuesday. 

"I really like the positivity that the instructors bring and they make it so fun.  I like how the teacher join in as well.  It is great to see them do it!" - Student feedback bootcamp