Catholic Character

The Easter Triduum is the highpoint of the liturgical calendar.

These three days which ultimately form one extended liturgy through which we view the mystery of salvation. We move through the events of Holy Thursday tonight with the mass of the Lord’s Supper and the washing of the feet, to Good Friday tomorrow with the Stations of the Cross at 10am and the veneration of the cross during the liturgy at 3pm into the Mass of Light on Holy Saturday night or mass on Easter Sunday morning.

These holy days remind us of the greatest act of love the world has ever known; Christ’s entry into the darkest elements of humanity to bring it into the light of his great love for humankind and the saving power of his death and resurrection.

We pray throughout these days that all of our families will encounter Christ and journey with him. We remember too, that these are not just historical events which we remember, but an opportunity to meet Christ in these liturgies.

The Mission Team

The Mission Team prepared a beautiful liturgy for us for Holy Thursday which encompasses the events of Holy Thursday and Good Friday. It was great to see so many of our students, including our Year 9s, having the confidence to lead during this liturgy. Their willingness to share their faith with others is an inspiration to our entire school community. We encourage all students to get involved in liturgies and in activities to share our faith with those around us. It is often through others’ faith that we are inspired and encouraged on our own faith journeys.

The Mission Team have also prepared a Resurrection Liturgy for Wednesday morning when we return after the Easter break. This is a special opportunity for us to rejoice in the resurrection as a school community.

Sacramental Programme

After Easter we will be offering an opportunity for those students who have not received all of the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion to be part of a programme which will lead to them receiving these sacraments. Families will be contacted regarding having conversations with their sons and daughters regarding this opportunity and there will be an information evening for families to attend. We will keep you posted regarding the timing of this.

May God bless you all during this beautiful Easter season.