First place - Libby Boddy

Weekly Photograph Competition

Congratulations Libby Boddy first place!

Last weeks winners:

First place - Mt John Observatory - Libby Boddy

Second place - Where God Is - Trish Dellaway

Third place - Sue Johnson

This week's theme is 'Sports in action'

This week's winners:

Congratulations Priya!

First place - Priya Prasad

Second place - Priya Prasad

Third place - Tabitha Lewis

Applications should be submitted to by Friday.

Mr Steggles, Ms Johns and I will be the judges.

Winners will be announced in the newsletter.

Results should come out on the Friday, and the final entry for each theme will be on the preceding Thursday.

The winner will receive a candy of choice and 15 house points. Second place will receive 10 house points, and third place will receive 5 house points.

Thanks everyone!

-Raphaela Roper, Arts and Culture leader.