Important Dates:
These events will also show on the calendar in the Skool Loop App and on the KBS website.
Monday 1st June
- Queens Birthday Weekend - school closed
Wednesday 3rd June
- 3:10pm New Entrant Parent/Caregiver Information Meeting for students starting in Term 3
Thursday 4th June
- 3:10pm New Entrant Parent/Caregiver Information Meeting for students starting in Term 3
Wednesday 10th June
- New Entrant Enrolment Meetings for students starting in Term 3
Monday 15th June
- 6:30pm Board of Trustees Meeting (staffroom)
Thursday 18th June
- Mufti Day for World Vision - gold coin donation
Tuesday 30th June
- Learning Hui (3:10-8:10pm) - bookings essential
Wednesday 1st July
- Learning Hui (3:10-8:10pm) - bookings essential
Friday 3rd July
- Last day of Term 2
Monday 20th July
- First day of Term 3
School Sport and PE
New Technology Centre Update
We are very excited the plans for the new Kaiapoi Borough School Technology Centre are progressing really well.
Visit this articleKaiapoi High School Prospectus 2021
Below is the link for the Kaiapoi High School prospectus for students enrolling to start in 2021.
Visit this articleLearning Heroes 22 May 2020
Congratulations to the following students recognised at last week's team celebrations for their superb effort with their learning:
Visit this articleLearning Heroes 20 March 2020
Congratulations to the following students recognised before the lockdown for their superb effort with their learning:
Priority alerts are sent out via the Skool Loop App - please ensure you have this downloaded on your phone.
Visit this article