Hero photograph

Year 10 Inspiring the Future Day

Andrea Williamson —

A programme inspiring young people to look at the world of work with an open mind was introduced to Year 10 students in August.

Inspiring the Future introduced the students to role models from a variety of careers and challenged stereotypes that can limit young people's potential.  The 21 role models spoke about their career pathways and came from a wide range of careers, including a chef, police officer, flooring installer, MPI dog handler, air force pilot, Dairy NZ partner, McDonald's manager, environmental consultant, health and safety officer, primary school teacher, construction manager for Scott Base Antarctica, librarian, nurse, electrician, technical sales representative, retail manager, various IT careers, and local business owners from horticulture, transport and timber industries.  

The event went very well and it is hoped that the students got some inspiration to start them thinking about their possible career pathways and the subjects they may need to take, as they head towards NCEA Level 1 next year.