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School Emails

Zoe Cosgrove, Database Manager —

Is your email inbox causing you grief?

Once upon a time, email providers promised us the world. They said we could sign up and receive unlimited storage. However, those days are sadly gone! If you are anything like me, you are in a perpetual battle to stay in the ‘free’ storage tier of your personal email account and are being constantly warned that you are running out of space and need to buy more storage.

However you choose to deal with this situation (buying more storage or starting on a deleting spree), you will need to check back in with us at KHS when your email account is sorted out. You will not receive emails from our student database (such as reports, some correspondence from teachers, email alerts, and important bulk-sent information) unless you re-connect with us. This is because once an email has bounced from a particular address (for various reasons, such as your inbox was too full) our database will not send any emails to it again until we re-establish the connection. 

To fix this, can you please send an email to my database address (below) from the email address that we have on file for you (you can check that in the portal or give us a call to check your details). This will give our database the green light to send emails to you again.

Zoe Cosgrove, Database Manager
