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From the Board table

Belinda Smith —

As another term comes to an end, the preparations are well underway to welcome Jason Reid on July 25.

This will certainly be a much anticipated welcome for our new principal. Our thanks go to Geraldine Enersen, who has done a tremendous job as Acting Principal this term.  

Matariki was celebrated in style in Kaiapoi. The community involvement was outstanding, with huge numbers heading to the Raven Quay Green to enjoy the festivities. From building the hāngī, to the star-studded entertainment (including our very own Sharon Black as the MC for the evening), the extraordinary talent from past, present and future pupils of Kaiapoi High School was on display. It was great to receive such positive feedback from what will certainly be the first of many wonderful Matariki celebrations to come in our community.

The holidays will be a chance for all of us to rest after another busy term. Enjoy the break, stay warm and stay safe.

Belinda Smith, Board Chair