Hero photograph

Level 2 Geography

Taya, Hannah, Amy & Georgia —

Being part of Level Two Geography gives us heaps of opportunities, with the most memorable being a trip this term to Aoraki Mt Cook National Park.

The two classes and three teachers set off bright and early Monday morning with the help of Bill, the bus driver, to take us to Unwin Lodge. When we arrived at our destination we were greeted with the blistering cold and some heavy rain showers. Soon we set off to hike the Red Tarn Track to gather our data for our assessment. The rain became more persistent and we finished the walk completely drenched. Arriving back at the lodge, we warmed up, played cards with games like Uno and Kings, and sipped on phenomenal hot chocolates.

The second day was filled with lots of walking and laughter. We faced a nice hour and half walk through the Hooker Valley. The weather cleared up, allowing us to see the majestic scenery. Snow that had fallen the night before turned into snowballs and cold power dry missiles. 18 students went for a quick dip in a glacial lake. A very enjoyable trip, the only downside being that the plane ride up the Tasman Glacier had to be cancelled.

Written by Taya, Hannah, Amy and Georgia, Y12