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From the School Nurse

Jenny Shurville —

Why breakfast is so important and information on energy drinks.

Why is breakfast so important?

  • Generally, there is a long break between the evening meal and breakfast. Overnight glucose (blood sugar stores) tend to be depleted. So, to ensure your energy levels get back on track, breakfast is important to refuel and help cope with an energetic day that may lay ahead.
  • Studies show that breakfast helps with weight control. Eating breakfast means you are more likely to snack less during the day. If you don't eat breakfast, you are more likely to eat more and make unhealthy food choices. At school students may be inclined to eat all of their lunch at interval, leaving nothing to eat at lunchtime, leading to hunger and more snacking.
  • Breakfast is important for concentration and mental performance.
  • Breakfast is one of the three main meals of the day. Try to choose nutritional, low sugar, high fibre (fills you up, helps to prevent snacking). Some good options are: Weetbix, porridge, muesli (with or without fruit), peanut butter or banana, or eggs on wholegrain toast. If you would like ongoing help or advice on improving your diet and well-being, please come and see us in the Health Clinic.

Information on Energy Drinks

These drinks can be marketed as providing mental and physical benefits. Some contain vitamins and minerals, but they also contain stimulants, one being caffeine. They can have up to the equivalent of 4 teaspoons of coffee per bottle. The sugar content can be 10-20 teaspoons per bottle.

These drinks can give you lots of energy at first and then your energy levels can plummet, leaving you feeling lethargic. Side effects of these drinks can be palpitations, tremors, agitation, stomach upsets, a fast heart rate, dizziness or nausea. Some of these side effects can make some people seriously unwell. They can also damage the liver.

Jenny Shurville, School Health Nurse