Phil Kerrigan — Jun 27, 2019

As we reach the halfway point in the year, it is an opportune time to provide an update from the Board.

Over the first half of the year, the School, along with the whole community, has faced the tragedy of the recent terrorist attacks, and I would like to thank the entire school for the professional way that we have responded and the care and support that we have provided to those directly affected.

This year, we have had the triennial board elections and, after six years on the School Board, Susan West chose to step down, along with Emma McCracken, who has been on the Board for three years and with the PTA for a further three years before that. We would like to formally thank both Susan and Emma for their dedication, service and commitment to the students and staff of Kaiapoi High School. I know that the School has benefited greatly from the passion that both Susan and Emma have shown.

At the same time, we welcome Christine Wilson-Greatbatch to the Board. Christine has been a board member and chair on the Kaiapoi Borough School Board, and as an accountant brings some great skills and experience to the Board.

This year has seen the commencement of the new gym, which will be completed in Term 3 and will provide an outstanding facility for both the School and the local community to enjoy. Whilst this has created some minor disruption to the bus bays and car parking, I am sure you will agree that the end result is well worth it.

As a Board, we look forward to seeing the continued development of the School and our staff and students throughout the second half of 2019.

Phil Kerrigan - Board Chair