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Community of Learning

Bruce Kearney —

As you may be aware, we are part of a Community of Learning, which encompasses Kaiapoi High School and the main contributing schools in our area: Kaiapoi North, Kaiapoi Borough, St Patrick's, Tuahiwi, Ouruhia, Woodend, Clarkville and Pegasus Bay.

Our community is called Kātote Kāhui Ako and is focused on providing common approaches to teaching and learning, cultural responsiveness, wellbeing and connection across the community. The Government funds these Communities of Learning and part of that funding is for a Lead Principal to manage the progress and direction of the group. This role requires the Principal of that school to work two days a week on the Community of Learning and then three days a week as the Principal of their school. I have been appointed to this position for Kātote. We are in a strong position to manage this role, with Elizabeth McMeeken acting up into the Principal position and Jo Collins (HOF English) acting up into an Assistant Principal position. I have decided to take every Thursday to work on the Community of Learning and then one week in every five. This is because we felt I would become too disconnected from school having two days off every week. I am looking forward to working on this new and exciting challenge that has the potential to make a substantial positive difference to our children in our local community. 

Bruce Kearney - Principal