Phil Kerrigan — Dec 2, 2021

We are now approaching the end of our second Covid-dominated year, so it is inevitable that we look back at what has been yet another unusual year for the School and Board of Trustees.

I believe that we can, again, take a lot of pride in the way that the whole school and the wider community have collectively managed to work through the disruptions that we have faced, and the way that the School has continued to deliver the stability that school life brings to our students.

The Board has again adapted to the changes imposed by Covid-19, keeping up to date with the changes in alert levels, then the move to the traffic light system, along with the implications of the Covid vaccine mandate on our staff, all the while ensuring that the School continues to deliver the best education to our students as possible. The Board has continued to support Bruce and the school team through these challenges, and will continue to do so moving into 2022 with whatever the new year brings.

The entire school team has again met the challenges faced this year, and the Board is extremely proud of the way that our teachers adapted as we moved through another lockdown, transitioning to remote learning, and ensuring that the education they provided to our students was as unaffected as possible.

During 2021, the School itself has continued to change, with the refurbishment of the central courtyard and counsellors' offices being completed. The School is now looking fantastic, a facility that the community can be truly proud of and an environment that enables the delivery of outstanding education to our students.

As our school roll continues to grow, early-stage planning has commenced for the next phase of growth, with a request for the Ministry of Education to start the design work for further expansion. This will be a long-term project so there are no plans as yet and work may not commence for a few years, but the School will continue to grow and change to meet the needs of our current and future students.

The Board has continued to evolve this year, with Sharon Russell re-joining the Board after a year’s break. Sharon will bring her experience, commitment, and passion for improving the education of our students to the Board.

As you will be aware, our Deputy Principal, Elizabeth McMeeken, has retired from the School this year and the Board of Trustees wishes Elizabeth a very long, enjoyable, and relaxing retirement after 18 years of outstanding service to the School. Congratulations to Geraldine Enersen, who has been appointed to the Deputy Principal position. We also congratulate Matua Remihana Emery on his appointment as Assistant Principal and know that he will bring his enthusiasm and passion for developing our students to the Senior Leadership Team and be a continued asset to the School.

To close, the Board would like to wish the whole school community a very Happy Christmas and a safe and healthy 2022. To those students who leave Kaiapoi High School this year, please know that you go with the very best wishes of the School Board for whatever challenges you face, and wherever your journey takes you.

Phil Kerrigan, Board Chair