Kaiapoi High School — Apr 10, 2022

Some important information and reminders from Kaiapoi High School.

Informing the School of an Absence

We have had a large number of students signing out of school during the day for appointments this term, without the parent/caregiver having advised the school of their intended absence.

If your child is going to be absent for any reason, please ring the school absence line on 375.5004, email learn@kaiapoi.school.nz or notify the office through the KHS app. PLEASE NOTE: WE CANNOT RELEASE STUDENTS FROM SCHOOL WITHOUT PARENTS ADVISING THE SCHOOL OFFICE. 

Attendance and Punctuality

Successful students have high attendance, many at or close to 100%, and they are always on time.

Kaiapoi High School adheres to the Ministry of Education guidelines of 85% as a minimum attendance requirement.

Please note: Classes start at 9 am on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday and 8.55 am on Wednesday. Students who are not in class by this time are recorded as 'late'. Any lateness is a disruption to the start of class and shows a lack of respect to both teachers, who are beginning their lesson, and to other students. Respect is a core value of Kaiapoi High School.

Attendance is monitored every period, and student absences are followed up, and an email is sent every morning to parents of students who have an unexplained absence. Tutor teachers and deans will follow up unexplained absences. If the school and/or family requires extra support for attendance, a referral will be made to the School Attendance Service. If difficulties persist we refer to ROCKON. This is a multi-agency approach to supporting attendance at school. In the worst-case scenario, the ROCKON process can lead to parents being prosecuted for non-attendance. We have prosecuted in the past.

We look for parental support in promoting high attendance. Parents can access attendance data on the parent portal. Please advise us by phoning 375 5004 if your son or daughter is absent from school for any reason.

The Ministry of Education definitions are:

Explained absence: An absence for which an explanation is received by the school outlining the reason for the absence.

Unexplained absence: An absence for which no explanation is received.

The decision about whether an absence is ‘justified’ or ‘unjustified’ is determined by the school:

‘Justified Absences’ include:

'Unjustified Absences' are when no reason has been notified, or an absence where no justifiable explanation is received, or the explanation does not fall within the school’s protocols for justified absences.

Please note:

1. A parent’s note does not necessarily provide justification.

2. A family holiday is treated as an explained but unjustified absence.

3. After 20 consecutive days of continuous unjustified absence, our school is required to remove a student from the roll and make a referral to the Non-Enrolled Truancy Service.

Dropping students off on school grounds

We know that you will be pressured by your children to bring them into school to drop them off. With the increase in roll numbers this year, it has made the start and end of school really hectic and the added traffic of parents/caregivers dropping their sons and daughters off on school grounds makes it quite unsafe for those students walking into school. Can you please drop off and pick up your children at the gate.

Naming School Uniform

A number of unnamed lost items of uniform, mainly jackets, have been handed into the office. Could parents please name all uniform items so, if lost, they can be returned to their owners.