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DanceNZmade 2023

Kate Hamilton —

Congratulations to our wonderful performers at the DanceNZmade competition this month!

All the dances were self-choreographed by our soloists and teams, demonstrating their awesome creative talents, and performed with virtuosity and dynamism. We had a wonderful day of dance workshops and rehearsals, during which two of our dancers, Maddy Dunn and Saki Takao, were invited to attend the DanceNZmade Gold Event in January 2024!!!

Both our teams also qualified to attend Nationals, Team Kōwhaiwhai being a Tahu Award entry and Team Fusion being our top-scoring team.

Soloists - Maddy Dunn (Yr10), Talula Green (Yr11) and Saki Takao (Yr13)

Teams - Talula Green, Hannah Toli, Izzy Clark, Emily Harrison, Georgia Foulds, Madison Messervy and Lili Batterbury (managed by Emily Harris).

This month has also seen a visit from the Hagley Dance Project students and a trip by the Year 10 and Senior Dance students to attend the Royal NZ Ballet's LIGHTSCAPES at the Isaac Theatre Royal.