Kia Ora – Happy Holidays ...
A big thank you to all Whānau and caregivers who have been so supportive this year through these difficult times with Covid. It is truly appreciated by all staff.
Fortunately it looks like covid is on the decline and we can now get back to some normal activities such as assemblies. These will now be held again on Fridays at 9am and you're all welcome to attend.
The first Friday back at school in Term 4 is Grandparents Day so assembly will be later to accommodate this. We look forward to welcoming all grandparents to our Kura on Friday 21 October, 2022.
Lost Property
The weather is certainly getting warmer and often children remove their sweatshirts or polo fleeces and lose them. The lost property box is just inside the outer office door next to Mr Miles office. Please check through the lost property if your child has missing clothing. All named clothing is returned to children.
Mana Ake - Wellbeing
The trained staff at Mana Ake Counseling service have been supporting our school for over 2 years now and many people have benefitted from their support, especially, parent drop in sessions. Mana Ake acknowledge that this is a convenient way to connect with Whānau and now, it is made simpler by parents being able to make a booking themselves. Go onto the Mana Ake website ( to book in your own appointments. Scroll down to the bottom right hand side of our webpage, there’s a link to a booking form that you fill out to have a kaimahi [Counselor] ring you for a session.
Christmas Boxes
At Kaiapoi North School we pride ourselves on caring for the wellbeing of our Tamariki. This also includes caring about others outside our kura. A big thank you to everyone who contributed to the Christmas Box Appeal. Through your kind generosity, both with gifts and mufti Day donations, we have been able to make up 30 Christmas gift boxes for children who would otherwise have a very limited Christmas. Thank you for your kindness. Donations of gifts may still be made up until Friday 30th September.
Hats – Term 4
Well the year is certainly moving rapidly towards Christmas, so it is time once again for children to be wearing school sunhats outside. If your child does not have a school sunhat these can be purchased from the Office for $15.00 each.
Ka Kite Ano
Dawn, Felic and Steph
Noho tawhiti, tū kotahi
Stay safe and be kind