Simon Clarke — Jun 8, 2021

Your child's report was sent home on Friday 26 November. This is one half of the reporting package, and we look forward to talking to all parents about their child's achievements this year.

End of year interviews is a first for us and we will be interested in your feedback on their value.  Parents have indicated in the past that interviews are the most effective form of communication. These interviews are extended to 15 minutes long. Please indicate if you prefer to do your interview via zoom or google meet.

Interviews take place on Monday the 29th and Tuesday the 30th from 2pm.  Please note we will be closing early on Tuesday the 30th to allow interviews to take place.

1. To make a booking please go to

2. Enter the schools unique code 3t24q

3. We would advise you not to select back to back sessions as this may cause delays.

4. It would be greatly appreciated if parents could book one interview per child. 

The site is live now!

Although the vast majority of parents will be able to access the web from a home computer, a friend’s computer or a workplace computer, our office staff are available to assist any families having difficulty with the booking process.

We advise parents to book early to confirm their preferred time.

Health and Safety Requirements

Everyone will be treated as unvaccinated and therefore all parents must wear a mask and follow health guidelines on-site such as door entry and exit.  Please do not attend if not feeling well.  For parents who have an exemption from wearing masks, their interviews will be completed via Zoom or Meets.