Nau mai hoki mai - welcome to Term 3
This week we welcome Aria, Riley, Pippa, Indie and Willow to Kaikorai; we are happy you are here.
Property update 🦺
You will notice some changes around Kaikorai this week. We have new signage on Wright St, I hope you agree with me that it looks fabulous and really sharpens up the main entrance of the school.
We now have a dedicated mobility park in the car park at the front of the school. If you have a permit, you are most welcome to use it. The mobility park on Wright Street will return to part of the drop-off zone before and after school.
The basketball court has been marked (with one more to be completed), which brightens up the court area and makes it a more versatile space for our tamariki.
Structure of the day 🔔
This is a reminder that our whole school is back to the same bell times. Our lunch break is now from 1 pm- 2 pm.
Matariki celebrations ✨
We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday night for our whānau Matariki celebrations. Please RSVP to your child's teacher if you can make it.
Cross Country 👟
Our annual Kaikorai School cross country is next Tuesday 25th of
July at Bishopscourt. Miss Ward will share more information with you in this week's newsletter on the event's organisation.
Disco 🪩
We have our first disco of the year on Wednesday 26th July. We need more parent helpers to make this a safe and successful evening. If you can help, please register here by clicking on the links below.
You don't need to pre-purchase tickets to the disco, it is cash door sales. All children must be dropped off and picked up from the school hall. Please don't put us in a difficult position by asking your child to meet you elsewhere or walk home alone. I appreciate your support.
Middles and Seniors Disco
Junior Disco
I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow, and as always, please don't hesitate to get in touch if I can help in any way.
Ngā mihi mahana