Week 9 Principal's news
Welcome to Kaikorai, Agustin 🇨🇱 and Lukas
Volunteers week 👏🏻
National Volunteers Week ~ Te Wiki Tūao ā-Motu - Thank you to our Kaikorai whānau that help with road patrol, contribute to the parent group, walk the walking bus, help on school trips, coach and manage sports teams, cook sausages, help in classes, share knowledge and expertise and our BOT for their valuable contributions - We value what you do and thank you!
Matariki whānau celebrations 🌟
We will celebrate Te Rā Aro ki a Matariki with a school picnic tea on Wednesday, the 19th of July, at 5 pm. This is an opportunity for us to come together as a community and celebrate Matariki. Families will have an opportunity to visit the classrooms and enjoy a lantern walk around the school grounds. See the information below in the photographs.
Parent interviews 🗣
Bookings will close on Sunday at 5 pm. Please make a booking to discuss your child's report. Please click this link https://www.schoolinterviews.co.nz/code/u7n9k to make a booking.
Disco help 🪩
We need your help with our upcoming Term 3 disco. Please click the links below to volunteer your time.
Middles and Seniors Disco: volunteersignup.org/7XW9W
Junior Disco: volunteersignup.org/DCMXP
Lost property 👖
The unnamed and unclaimed lost property will be delivered to the charity store during the holidays. If you want to rummage through the clothes to find some missing items, it is inside the foyer outside the school hall.
Week 9 Principal's awards ✨
For working hard to be at the right place at the right time and learning her parts in preparation for Rūma Rua’s assembly. Tino pai!
For great work acting out her lines and enthusiastically working towards the class assembly. Tino pai!
For trying really hard with his learning and always having a positive attitude when approaching tasks. Tino pai!
For being a kind, caring and supportive member of our class. Thank you for always having a huge smile and a positive attitude!
Millie B
For the positive way that she strives to work through any task, and always willing to help out around the classroom. Tino pai!
For always having a great attitude towards his learning and trying really hard with his reading. Ka pai!
For making super progress in reading and writing. I am so impressed with how hard you are trying. Tino pai!
For trying so hard in his writing. I love how you are listening for sounds in words. Ka rawe!
For being a kind, independent and keen learner on our visit to the Otago Museum. Ka rawe!
For writing an amazing pirate description using lots of wow words. Tino pai rawa atu!
For being an enthusiastic, independent and engaged learner during our activities at the museum. Ka pai hoki koe!
For his amazing contributions to our class discussions during our trip to the museum. Your knowledge for one so young is incredible. Tino pai rawa atu!
For your amazing mahi during writing this week. You kept persevering even when you found it hard. Ka pai!
Cameron C
For your incredibly detailed design for your space invention. It is very impressive!
For giving thoughtful feedback to others about their space innovations. You are a kind leader.
For aspiring to be the best that you can be. You have challenged yourself this week and worked hard on your PBL project.
For having an excellent attitude towards your learning. You always try your absolute best and have produced some wonderful writing this week.
For your impressive planet building - you are so artistic! Mīharo!
You have made impressive progress in reading - well done!
Cameron B
For his outstanding engagement in our PBL space learning, sharing his knowledge and questioning skills. Tino pai rawa atu!
Max R
For showing empathy for others when they are having a difficult time and building his learning habits to increase his focus. Mīharo!
For doing an amazing job at listening and following instructions. Tino pai!
For always putting the hard mahi into everything you do. You are a fabulous Kaik Kid!