Middle's News
When you next come to visit take the time to look at the amazing artwork Room 6 completed with their big buddies in Room 4. It looks great
It was great to meet parents at parent interviews. It is so important to have a good home and school partnership for the benefit of children's' learning. While at these interviews you will have seen your child's learning goal. Don't forget to keep an eye on the SeeSaw app as classes have been working on their goals and they will have updates of progress before the end of the term. If you were unable to attend please don't hesitate to contact your child's teacher and book an appointment time.
With what is happening around the world at this time we have spent time refocussing on how to wash our hands. We have developed a good system where children sing "Happy birthday" twice or when there is a line they get their soap and move to the back of the line and by the time they are at the front ready to rinse again their 20 seconds is up or has been extended. Children naturally touch everything around them please remember to reinforce at home no touching faces, and no fingers in noses and mouths. At school when they are spotted doing this they are required to wash their hands and it would be good practice to do this at home too.
As you are aware Room 3's assembly was cancelled, we have since decided to film our item which of course will then became a much bigger production. This should be ready for parents by next week.