Hero photograph
Thank you Sue and Kelly! We appreciate you!
Photo by Beth Downie

Week 8 Principal's news

Beth Downie —

Kāhore taku toa i te toa takitahi, he toa takitini – We cannot succeed without the support of those around us

Otago swim champs 🏊🏻‍♀️

Best of luck to Penelope, Libby, Dominic, Talia, Anja, Pippa and Ava who are competing in the Otago Swimming Champs this Sunday. The standard to qualify for this event is extremely high so we are incredibly proud of you! Swim hard! 

Appreciation post 👏🏻

Our kura is amazing. It is amazing because of all the little extras our people do to make it a special place, keep our tamariki safe, and offer their knowledge, time and expertise.

Kelly and Sue (Miss Mackay and Mrs Reid), thank you for organising the easter raffle as a treat for our children and for raising a little extra for our school. Neala, Cormac and Lia are thrilled to win the raffle boxes! 

Road Patrollers - A huge thank you to Susan, who has joined the road patrol roster. Susan's first road patrol day was Tuesday, the wild stormy day! Thank you to all our road patrollers that give up their time to keep our children safe.

Our BOT who govern the school and spend many hours making decisions about the strategic direction of Kaikorai. They are a skilled, diligent and forward-thinking board, and I am incredibly grateful for their expertise and leadership.

Parent Group - This group help raise funds that provide the extras in our school. They purchase new basketball uniforms, lego, construction equipment, and play-based toys. Thank you for being so committed to the Parents' Group.

Colour run 🌈

Next week we have our first-ever colour fun run. We are excited to have another community event that brings us all together. Thank you for supporting us in our new venture.

Principal's awards 🌟


His dedication to focusing hard and contributing towards discussions.


Consistently demonstrating  commitment to focusing on her learning. Mīharo! 


Amazing thinking in maths, brilliant ideas in writing and her all-around incredible effort


Role modelling great listening skills and brilliant effort in maths


For her effort and enthusiasm to discuss ideas during our PBL sessions. Ka pai!


For his enthusiasm during reading sessions to discuss ideas and explore meaning. Tino pai!


For an outstanding effort in reading and writing. You are working hard to learn lots of new words. Ka rawe!


For being a kind, caring friend to everyone in our class and always putting a huge effort into her learning. Tino pai rawa atu!

Charlotte S

For her fantastic effort in reading and writing. You are making wonderful progress. Ka pai hoki koe!


For writing amazing stories independently and working hard to learn his sight words. Tino pai!


For being an independent learner. You are making fabulous choices and are a great role model to others. Tino pai!


For trying his very best in everything he does and always being an outstanding friend. You should be very proud of yourself! 

Lucy J

For trying your best to learn letter names and sounds. Tino pai rawa atu!


For working extra hard to listen and follow all instructions. Tino pai!