Linda Martin — Jun 15, 2017

Seniors show great leadership in Kaikville.

Our senior classes have all enjoyed being in different groups this week, preparing for our Kaikville Market Day.

Children are mixed through the senior and middle classes and we have all been enjoying working with smaller numbers in our groups and doing learning activities that would be tricky to do with a classes of greater size.

It has been rewarding to see how much the children enjoy these activities, and how well they can learn in a multi level grouping.

A message from Room 2a - Room 2a has been busy preparing for Kaikville with plenty of learning based around Financial Literacy. A whole class experience with the app ‘Banqer’ put students in charge of their own everyday and savings accounts, and also introduced key ideas such as interest payments. There was also an opportunity for some design and innovation with our Dragon’s Den inquiry learning. Room 2a is now the Kaikville business premises for ‘KPS Studios’ - a record label and pop up record store, with the student staff making music, and looking at ways to market and sell it. We hope to see you for a great Kaikville open day on Friday!