Hero photograph
Senior Learning
Photo by Robin Hartley

Senior News - Term 2 Begins

Robin Hartley —

Welcome back all our fantastic senior students to Term 2.

This term the senior children are learning about life systems.  They will be looking at how a system is a set of parts working together to achieve a goal.  They will be investigating how life systems adapt and change to suit an environment and what happens when the environment changes.  Later in the term we will be visited by the Life Education Trust and the children will learn about their body systems and how to keep it functioning healthily.   

We hope to organise some school trips to add to the the students experiences in life systems.  Please keep an eye out for further details.

We are all very excited about our up and coming Book Week! This is from the 21st to the 25th of May and we are excited to have a number of authors coming to speak to the children.  Book Week will also be packed with exciting reading activities and events!

Dates to note:

18th May - Room 2 Assembly

21st to 25th May - Book Week 

24th May - PAL winter sports coaching

28th May - NYLD young leaders day for PAL leaders

29th May - IKAS Science 

13th to 22nd June - Life Education Trust in school

3rd and 4th July - Parent Teacher Interviews