Beth Downie — Feb 9, 2023

Welcome to our newest Kaikorai pupils, Georgie, Dylan, Maia and Siaosi ⭐

Meet the teacher and family picnic

There was a real sense of community last night at our whānau picnic and meet the teachers' evening. It was great to see so many families catching up with others, sharing some kai, and our children playing happily in our new spaces. Thank you for joining us and a big thanks to our fabulous kaiako for sharing the learning programmes with you and giving up their evening to be at school. 

If you were unable to attend last night and have yet to meet your child's teacher, please pop in before or after school and say hi. 

Kaik Kiwis ✨

We have started our Kaik Kiwis transition programme again this week and our 4-year-old Kiwis are loving their visits. If you know of any 4-year-olds in our community who have yet to enrol at Kaikorai School, please ask them to get in touch with me.

Paid Union Meeting ✅

On the 1st of March, many of our teachers will be attending a paid union meeting.  NZEI Te Riu Roa leaders are calling paid union meetings as members need to discuss and consider important issues in education. All teachers have the right to attend. We will remain open and children will be supervised but regular teaching programmes are unable to occur. If you are able to collect your child at 1 pm, please do so and please let your child's teacher know you will be collecting them.

Property news 🦺

In the coming weeks, we will be able to access the school via the Tyne Street entrance. This does mean, the access from Wright Street will be closed off while work is completed on the driveway and entrance to the school. I will let you know when we have an exact date and the implications of this.

There are a lot of road closures around Tyne and Wright Street. This is due to work being completed in our neighbourhood by Delta. This does make parking even more difficult and problematic. Please consider parking in the surrounding streets rather than expecting to be able to get a park outside of the school.

As always, please do have a chat with me at the gate or send me an email if I can help in any way. Thank you for your ongoing support.

Ngā manaakitanga
