Amy McBeath — Oct 29, 2020

We've had a great start to the term with lots of exciting things happening. It is always fantastic to see children enthusiastic about their learning and being able to share this with others.

PBL (Project Based Learning)

It was great to see children excited about completing and sharing their hospital rebuild projects.  Room 3 used co-spaces to show people how they might navigate around the hospital.  Room 5 used Metaverse to create an app which gave people information that they might need about the hospital rebuild.  Room 6 created a website using plans they had made on Floor Plan Creator, and audio recordings in different languages to help people with wayfinding.  

Being able to share and talk about these with parents was definitely a highlight.  If you were able to attend and have any feedback you would like to share, we would love to hear it.   

Once swimming is over, classes will spend some time on some mini projects to practise some of the skills they have learnt through our school and hospital project based learning.


School swimming has been going well, with children setting themselves goals and working hard to improve their swimming skills.  We have another four sessions to go and children will receive a certificate later in the term which will show their achievements.  

Keeping fit and healthy

Children should all now have a hat that stays at school to be worn at morning tea, lunchtime, and anytime their class is out for fitness and skill sessions.  While we are still having some colder days, we are starting to enjoy some nice warm weather and it's nice to get out and practise a range of skills.

Rooms 3 and 6 have also started the first of six sessions of 'Relax Kids'.  You may hear your child talk about some of the things that they can do to relax their mind and body.  

Room 5's Art Gallery Visit

Due to a cancellation from another school, Room 5 were lucky to have a visit to the art gallery.  The following is a report by Hugh and Angus about their visit:

A couple of weeks ago, on Wednesday, Room 5 went to our Art Gallery. We were studying ‘Dreamscape Artworks’ with John Neumegen. We were looking at some pictures of things to do with dreams and nightmares. Our favourite work of art was the big channel loading water from the jagged mountains.

After looking at artworks we did some ‘Dreamscape Artwork' with John. It was called collage. We cut out pieces of paper and made some terrific pictures! We also went in a massive elevator. It could fit the whole entire class! John taught us a funny song about a boa constrictor swallowing the main character.

We have been using our artworks for writing some stories, and we are trying to make them very descriptive by choosing our words carefully. We think the Art Gallery was lots of fun!