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Photo by Simon Clarke

Parent Group News

Simon Clarke —

What a busy start to term 2 it has been!

The committee of the Parents Group would like to thank all of you who have assisted in some way with our fundraising efforts so far this year; the Cadbury Carpark, Sausage Sizzle, Pizza Lunch and the Book Week Disco. Without your help as a volunteer or letting your child participate we wouldn’t be able to achieve our goal of $100,000 for the new playground or contribute to the other school activities like Chat Bus, Year 6 Camp, bus costs for field trips.

To date we have raised $1,184 from the Cadbury Carpark (gold coin donation from those going to the Saturday morning farmers market and using the carpark for parking), $447 from the Pizza Lunch in Term 1 and $447 from the Sausage Sizzle held at the end of Term 1. Figures from the Disco are not yet available.

Our major fundraiser for the year will be the School Fair on Saturday 3rd November – please put this date in your diary and if you are able to assist with time, donations, sponsorship, run a stall, or would like any information please contact our Fair Co-ordinator Kelly MacKnight kjmacknight@gmail.com. Please help us make the fair a success.

We have included a calendar of events that the Parents Group will be running for the year, this includes our next meeting date. Meetings are held upstairs at Luna, we are a friendly bunch so please feel free to come and join us. If you are able to assist with any of the fund raising activities listed please email the parents group pg@kaikorai.school.nz.