Susan Oldfield — Nov 22, 2017

Well what a term this has been and where have the weeks gone? I think I ask that every newsletter but this term feels like it has just flown by...e

Swimming has been a huge focus for the past 2 weeks. What amazing progress the children have made under the tutelage of the Jill Clarke swim school. It seems to have been a very efficient exercise this time made so much better by the great weather. Thank you for all your support in helping at the pool we couldn't do it without your support. I strongly recommend that if your child is in one of the less confident swim groups this time that  you consider getting them a block of lessons in the holidays.

Structures have been the main inquiry focus this term and what a wonderful time we have had building, drawing and discovering that the world is full of amazing structures. Rooms 9, 11, and 7 have had the opportunity to work in the makerspace with Pip Dick. What a creative time they have had.  Room 10 have their time over the next two Mondays.

For the next two weeks we are going to be discovering how people celebrate Christmas around the world. Each teacher has been given a country and we will rotate each class around the syndicate so they all get to learn about each country. Watch out for the special activities and crafts that will be coming home to share.

On Tuesday 12th December the whole Junior syndicate are off to visit Pixie Town at Toitu. A paper notice will be going home soon to get permission for your child to go there by bus. If it is fine we also hope to have a visit to the Botanical Gardens on the 12th as well. We aim to be dropped at the top and walk down to the bottom for a play and a  picnic  before returning to school.

Reading book Amnesty. Please search your homes and send back any reading books that are lying around. Replacing reading books is a huge part of our budget so the more you find and return the better. We want all reading books back on our shelves by the end of week 8.

Thank you to all the families that donated cans for our Christmas Can appeal.

Also thank you for the donations for the SPCA. Miss Blackie and some children visited there to take our offerings. See the photos attached.

Please remember that you cannot come into the classroom before school until the 8.30 bell goes. This is precious teacher preparation time. Also parents are respectfully asked to wait outside the classrooms until the 3.00 bell goes. If you wish to talk to the teacher please wait until after school. It is very difficult to do end of the day 'stuff' if children are distracted by pre-schoolers and parents.

The Junior team are so lucky to have Mrs Fran Hall working this term with 10 of our newest new entrants from 9.30 to 12.30. They love being in a small group and the benefits for them are settled happy learners. In the afternoon they seamlessly fit back into Room 12 and 8. Thanks Mrs Hall for giving these children a safe and calm start to school.

Remember everyone needs a drink bottle and a sunhat every day at school.