Hero photograph
The best visitors - Honor, Fletcher, Hazel and Maggie show me their awesome writing! 
Photo by Beth Downie

Principal's news

Beth Downie —

Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini - Success is not the work of an individual, but the work of many.

Hills Cluster Cross Country 👟

I was very proud of the runners we took to the Hill's Cluster Cross Country on Wednesday. They ran with determination, encouraging one another and giving it their all. It was a very muddy track, with a lot of slipping and sliding and perfect cross-country conditions! 

 Congratulations to those runners selected to race in the Otago cross country champs later in the term.

Collaborative and co-teaching in PBL 

You may have heard the terms co-teaching and collaborative teaching being used. What does this mean, and what does it mean for your child?

Being collaborative and using a co-teaching methodology means teachers use their strengths, passions and expertise, bounce ideas off each other, problem solve, support and challenge each other to provide differentiated learning opportunities for all children. It can mean two teachers with two classes, teaching and learning happening alongside one another. Learning is well planned, and responsibilities and roles are assigned. Learners' needs are well understood by all and communicated by the child's classroom teacher. 

What does this mean for us? We are going to be stepping into some co-teaching in the coming weeks during our PBL teaching. This is a natural fit for co-teaching - sharing our strengths and expertise in dance, drama and the arts. 

Our learning spaces are designed to be flexible, they are designed for a teacher and their class, but they are flexible to allow for them to be collaborative spaces that maximise teaching and learning to happen with more than one class. I look forward to updating you on our progress in this area. 

Property news 🛠

The frames have gone up for our administration block. We have had some weather delays with high winds, torrential rain and even ice have slowed us down, but the shape and outline of the build are becoming more obvious every day. The library designs are close to finalising, as well as the colour schemes throughout the new building.

Staffing news

We have welcomed Glenda Thomas to the team; she will teach in Rūma waru 11 am - 1 pm daily.

Garrand Diedrichs will teach in Rūma tekau ma rua from week five until the end of term 3, when Mark has knee surgery.

Calendar art ‍🎨

A reminder that orders close next week! Order now for your Christmas gifts! 

Also, a big thank you to our Parent's Group, who have generously provided the staff with the fancy new school jackets.  I can confirm they are warm, waterproof and perfect for the Dunedin weather.

Board of trustees news

We have a number of our current BOT who are finishing their time and formal involvement with Kaikorai.

Dougal McGowan, our presiding member (board chair), has spent a significant amount of time on our Board of trustees - since 2015. Dougal has been instrumental in the rebuild project and the appointment of numerous staff.  I cannot begin to estimate the hours that Dougal has committed to making our school the highly effective environment it is. Thank you, Dougal, for your mahi, your knowledge and expertise in governance. Thanks to your family also for allowing us to have you as part of our school for so long.

Ros Allison has been on our BOT since 2016.  Ros no longer has children at Kaikorai but has generously continued this year to see the transition of the new principal through. Ros has been a key player in the rebuild project and has been a part of the property group, working alongside the project manager, architect and members of the group. Thank you, Ros, for your commitment to Kaikorai Primary School.

Malcolm Couling joined the BOT in 2016, and similarly to Ros, his children have now moved on from Kaikorai. Malcolm's logical and level-headed approach to governance has been invaluable to the smooth running and decision-making of the BOT. Thank you, Malcolm!

Felicia Ward has been the staff trustee since 2018. Felicia has appointed many staff, contributed to decision-making that impacts our tamariki, and shared learning and achievement data and programmes. Thank you, Felicia, for your contributions.

David Cooper joined the BOT in 2019. David has the ability to ask questions that no one thought of, analyse data and interpret policy and offer a balanced approach to governance. Thank you, David! 

Although my time working directly with the BOT has been short, I have really enjoyed their professional, logical and systematic approach to leading Kaikorai School. Once again, thank you for your energy and commitment to our school.

Traffic outside school 🚗

A reminder from my week one newsletter, use your indicator, do not do crazy u-turns in the middle of the road, please use the crossing, and avoid standing on the road as this obscures our view when we are safely trying to get our little people across the road.

As always, please do not hesitate to get in touch if I can be of any help.

Ngā mihi maioha

Beth Downie