Get down, Get low, Get out fast...

Susan Oldfield —

What a busy first 3 weeks the Junior classes have had learning how to be safe in the event of a fire.

You no doubt will be well involved with your children learning about fire safety using the home book and CD (only to be watched with a parent) to reinforce the fire safety concepts being taught at school. We have made posters, sung songs and learnt poems about fire safety.   Does your child know their name, address, suburb and city maybe even their post code too? Something to work on in the next few weeks.

The firemen's visit on Wednesday was exciting and informative and children are encouraged to get you to check you have working fire alarms in all the right places. Thank you for your support to keep our tamariki safe.

Next we are working hard to get our part of the movie done. Watch this space for all the exciting activities going on in classes  as we get ready for filming.

A focus on traditional and non traditional tales through reading favourite stories, art work, drama and music is our next learning priority.  We are looking at how a story can be turned into a movie.

PMP is running in all classes for the next 2-3 weeks and YES we always need help. See your class teacher for times.

In weeks 6 and 7 we are having a big focus on learning our basic facts. More information to follow.

Thank you for your support in helping your child to learn we believe that it is a partnership between you and us. This can only be beneficial to  your child.