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Kaikorai Primary School

by Rosie Hardie

Project Based Learning - PBL

Rosie Hardie - August 6, 2020

This term we are in the full swing of things focusing on our Project Based Learning throughout the school.

Project Based Learning is a teaching method in which the students gain knowledge and skills by investigating and responding to an authentic and engaging problem or challenge. Each class has its own driving question which drives their learning, an entry event to get them excited to learn more, clients to receive feedback from, and a final product that we can’t wait to share with you. For the first half of the term, we are focusing on how we can improve things in our own school such as finding our way around, exploring logistics, and looking at artwork that enhances wellbeing. The second half of the term will be based on integrating this new learning and skills to focus on the new hospital rebuild which is a very exciting opportunity for the school.

So far the juniors have completed a range of activities such as looking at how we can keep ourselves healthy, instructions for moving around our school, and how art enhances our wellbeing. The middles have been looking at wayfinding and creating maps and instructions to move around the school in the most efficient way. Lastly, the seniors have been looking at logistics and are exploring coding to help solve problems around moving supplies through the buildings.

Ask the kids at home what their driving questions and entry events have been. I am sure they will surprise you with the amazing things they have been doing in their classes so far!