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Photo by Simon Clarke

A very warm (literally and figuratively) welcome back

Simon Clarke —

The holidays are a special time for families and we hope that you all had a chance to spend time with friends and families, a chance to relax and enjoy the great summer we have had.

The teachers have been busy for the last few days and weeks preparing programmes for the arrival of your child today.

Today we not only welcome back the students but also to Maggie Adlam who will be teaching in Room 8, Kristen Ferguson our special needs co-ordinator who returns from maternity leave and our new teacher aide Lara Valentine who will largely be working in Room 10.

We hope that your child quickly slips back into the routines of school. A stress free start to a child's day can help a huge amount with their learning.  Make sure your child is getting plenty of sleep and taking responsibility for getting themselves organised for the school day.  Please make sure that they have their school hat to wear each day in Term 1.

There are a multitude of ways that you can contribute to our school to not only make your child's life better but all of the children in the school. We need a multitude of volunteers to run the many programmes we offer - parent reading, sports coaching, road patrol and walking school bus.   If you are not sure who to make contact with to find out more please feel free to contact the school office or myself.

We hope everyone had a great first day and we look forward to another successful year at Kaikorai School.

Kind regards

Simon Clarke
