Felicia Ward — Jun 13, 2021

In Week 4 we held a PBL museum in the School Hall where we showcased all the learning we have been doing around the Pacific Migration to Aotearoa. It was great to see so many parents come and look at their children's display and the children were so excited to be able to teach you all that they know. Each class got to spend half an hour looking through the museum at all of the exhibits and we loved all the interactive displays where we got to read books, play video games and look at all the wonderful artwork, posters and waka that had been made. This really was a great example of what PBL is.

Another big focus over the last few weeks has been kindness. Classes have been reading the books Aroha’s Way, Tu Meke Tūī & Tu Meke Tuatara and spending time thinking about all the different ways we can show kindness to others. While we are lucky to have such caring and thoughtful children at Kaikorai it is always important to promote kindness and recognise different emotions.

Our PBL focus now shifts to movie making. We are excited to spend time watching the first two school movies and seeing if we recognise any familiar faces. We will be learning all things behind the scenes that go into making a movie like camera angles, props and costuming. We are always looking for experts to share their knowledge with us so if you or anyone you know would be happy to come in and chat please get in touch!

Teachers are busy writing reports which will be sent home in Week 10. We are looking forward to discussing these further with you at parent interviews, also in Week 10. This is an important time to celebrate successes, share future goals and discuss ways that you can be helping at home. As always, if you have any questions before then please do get in contact with your child’s teacher.

Lastly, we farewell for now our third year College of Education students Miss Cox (Room 7) and Miss Bradfield (Room 9) who have spent the last three weeks with us. We are looking forward to welcoming them back in Term 3 for their final placements.

Many thanks

Junior Teachers

Classroom Updates:

Room 7:

We have been super lucky in Room 7 over the last two weeks to have Miss Cox teaching us. She planned so many fun lessons. In writing, we looked at descriptive writing and wrote stories about the people who we love. In maths we have been looking at measurement, we really enjoyed measuring things around the school with our feet. In the afternoons we have been looking at the values in the Olympics! We learnt it is important to be kind and caring. We even got to have our own mini Olympics where we versed Room 9.

Room 9:

Room 9 have been lucky to have had their superstar student teacher Miss Bradfield teaching for the last two weeks. She has taught us all about measurement and how to use different objects to measure things. We have also been learning about the Olympics, in particular the Olympic values. A highlight was having a mini Olympics with Room 7. Thanks, Miss B for all the fun activities. We will miss you!

Room 10: 

Over the last two weeks Room 10 have been doing some exciting new learning through digital technology. We have learned how to code using “Scratch Junior” and our buddy class have also taught us how to create a digital book using “Book Creator.” Creating a classroom promoting “Kindness” and a focus on “Well-being” have also been an important part of our programme. Room 10 children are able to talk about what to do when they experience “Butterflies in their tummy” or feel anxious, nervous or worried. In P.E we have been focusing on throwing and catching skills and have enjoyed learning some new games that practice these skills. Room 10 are a wonderful team of learners and we always look forward to learning something new.