Hero photograph
Logo Kaikorai School
Photo by Simon Clarke

Principal News

Simon Clarke —

Next week, you have been invited to meet with your child’s teacher and share any information about your child that you feel will have a positive impact on their learning. What are their hobbies? What gets them engaged at school? What upsets them at school?

Teachers will also be sharing what we think is your child's most important learning goal and ways that you may be able to help at home to achieve this goal.  This will be kept in the "Seesaw" platform that we use and teachers will provide updates each term on how your child is progressing towards their goal or if they have achieved it and how.

One of the Board of Trustees strategic goals is for our students to "develop increased ownership of their learning." For students to know what they need to work on and more importantly to have high expectations of what they can achieve is the biggest influencer of success. Once a student has performed at a level that is beyond their own expectations, he or she gains confidence in his or her learning ability. 

Please make the time to meet with your child's class teacher next week by going to schoolinterviews.co.nz and enter the code ps5vq.

Not only do we have interviews next week but a range of other activities including Lit quizzes, PE skill sessions with Otago Girls and our first class assembly with Room 1.  Keep up to date with the school app or calendar.  Please make sure you have marked in your calendar the Teacher Only Day on Friday, March 27 when the school will be closed.  Kelly Club will be running a whole day programme on this day.

Kind regards

Simon Clarke