Hero photograph
Photo by Kristen Ferguson

Today is Pink Shirt Day!

Kristen Ferguson —

Kaikorai School was transformed into a sea of māwhero/pink today to Speak Up and Stand Together to Stop Bullying!

The buzz around the school today was amazing! Students were dressed up head to toe in pink while modeling our school value of being KIND.

Classrooms have been doing a range of activities throughout the week to learn more about what bullying is, how to stop it and how it affects others. 

Syndicates had a bullying talk with Mrs Ferguson. They discussed what Pink Shirt Day is all about, what bullying is, why some people get bullied and why some people bully others. They also talked about being an Upstander and how THEY have the power to prevent bullying. Ask your child about the "bruised apple" part of the talk!

If you would like to donate to the Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand, you can do that here.

Enjoy the photos of Kaikorai staff and students coming together to SPEAK UP and STAND TOGETHER to STOP BULLYING!