Felicia Ward — Oct 30, 2020

Welcome back to Term 4!

The past three weeks have been actioned packed with PBL and the school fair.

Week 1 was spent completing our final products for our hospital projects, which then went on to be displayed at the Dunedin Community Art Gallery. The huge hours and hard work that our students put into their products is evident and it was great to have such positive feedback from those involved in the new hospital rebuild. I know many were blown away with the amazing things that the junior children created.

A big thank you to those that were able to come to our open morning last Friday. The children were so proud to share their projects and they absolutely loved being able to teach you some new skills such as coding and app creation.

This week we began our arts rotation. Each class will spend time with a different teacher each week where they will learn to play some musical instruments, create rākau stick routines, develop dance routines, undertake drama activities, create visual art pieces and showcase their talents in a talent show. Our arts rotation has definitely become a highlight of the week!

Upcoming Events:

Fun Run

We have been busy training for our Junior Fun Run which will be held on Friday the 6th of November at 2 pm. Children will run a course at school which will include jumping, dodging and crawling under obstacles. Parents are welcome to come along and support their child.


16th of November - 24th of November at Wakari School Pool. Please ensure you have completed the permission form attached below:


End of Year Celebration Trip:

To celebrate the end of a busy school year the Junior Syndicate are heading to the movies! Stay tuned for more information in the coming weeks.

Classroom News:

Room 7

Good morning or night parents I will be telling you what we have been doing in Term 4. We have star of the week. It was Ben first and now its Yeva. We have Funky Friday.

By Caden Smith

We have star of the week, it is fun! We also have Funky Friday. We are also learning about space. We also have a cool teacher.

By Harry Dawson

Room 8

Wow, what a busy start to Term 4 we have had. Room 8 spent the first week working hard to get our PBL project completed and we loved sharing it with some of our parents on Friday morning. We will be sending it home on Seesaw shortly to share with you all. We are also very lucky to welcome Miss Cox, our 2nd year student teacher, who will be with us for five weeks. We have already had a lot of fun completing some art lessons around Matisse with her and we look forward to seeing what other fun learning she has planned for us.

Room 9

In Term 4 so far we have been teaching our families how to use the Edison Robots. For maths, we have been learning fractions. For writing, we have been learning how to use describing words and interesting ways to start a story. We did pretty art and we also learnt a dance routine.

By Clarissa.

So far this term in Room Nine we have been doing outside throwing and catching and throwing from the chest. We have also been doing singing and making a 3D model for the new hospital. We have been working on teaching our families how to code the Edison Robots.

By Ivy Hollows.

Room 10

Over the last few weeks, Room 10 has been enjoying our ‘Spring’ topic, where we have written some creative ‘Spring Time Senses’ poems, as well as experimented in the use of pastel and watercolours in visual art, to create a Spring meadow, complete with bears and rabbits!

Room 10 has also become musicians, learning how to play the glockenspiel. We have now mastered two tunes and we are really enjoying the challenge of learning how to play an instrument.

Room 11

Room 11 now has 13 lovely learners. We are trying hard to be bucket fillers by being kind and helpful to everyone. We loved swapping classes on Tuesday and Wednesday this week and doing art with Miss Dunn. Come and see our lovely pictures we made in Room 12. We are making some spring pictures too in Room 11. We love doing puzzles, playing with the toys and drawing. The Kahurangi concert was amazing and we loved the Logan park orchestra too. What a busy time we are having at school.

Room 12

We made a welcome sign for the entranceway of the new Dunedin Hospital. We wanted to use different greetings from around the world so that people who speak different languages feel welcome.

By Charlotte & Henry

We made two signs for the new Dunedin Hospital. First we designed and made a sign for the cafe. We wanted it to look like a burger so that even if you couldn’t read you would know that’s where you can get food. We chose a burger because we like burgers. The other sign we made was for the Helicopter Pad. We made it big so the helicopter could see it well from up in the sky.

By Anja & Alabamah

We made a sign to go outside the new Dunedin Hospital. It would be weather proof and glow in the dark so people could see where to go at night.

By Vincent & Axton