Beth Downie — Mar 29, 2022

It is hard to believe we are almost wrapping up the first term of 2022.

We are missing school assemblies, singing, having parents pop into class at the start of the day and working with buddy classes and collaborative teaching. However, looking for silver linings we can see that our 5-year-olds are developing their independent skills of getting their book bags and lunch boxes sorted in class, a job that the parent at drop off usually did. In addition, all students are keen to try new things like creatively sharing their learning through PBL instead of having parents on site to share their learning. 

We hope with the new framework that we can have an open morning next term to have whānau visiting our new spaces and see what we have been up to but in the meantime, we will keep you updated digitally. 

New building update 🔨

We are confident the middles classes and the new, new entrant class will start Term 2 in their new rooms. The hall is not quite ready but the classrooms should be. Like so many projects there are delays in building supplies due to covid related issues. We are really pleased though that the new rooms Room 1 through to Room 5 should be able to be delivered on time and we cannot wait to show you around when the time allows. Have a look at the progress photos below.

Structured literacy 📕

There has been a lot of publicity around structured literacy recently. Our staff are upskilling about the way brains are wired to learn to read, write and acquire literacy. The teaching approach we are using builds teacher knowledge and practice and aligns with the science of reading and evidence. We look forward to sharing this approach with you in more detail soon.

Principals award's Week 9

Elliott -  For working really hard in maths and showing fantastic improvement already!

Jesse - For an improved attitude towards his learning and achieving great results in xtra maths!

Logan -For inspiring others by sharing his love of books.

Kurt - For being an expert ukulele tuner for our school groups.

Jack - For working hard to add interesting detail to his writing.

Alabamah - For being so enthusiastic about her learning and working hard to learn new things.

Frankie - For trying super hard at writing time to add lots of detail to her stories.

Bobby - For always trying his hardest in the classroom and giving everything 110% effort.

Liam - For being independent and keen. Liam is a great thinker!

Neve - For trying super hard at all her activities and helping her classmates.

Sherlock - For working independently on his learning tasks and showing great focus on the mat.

Max - For his amazing work ethic and perseverance in maths to get things right!

Rosie - For sharing her positivity and enthusiasm to learn with all those who work with her. It is amazing to see.

Taliah - For showing positive energy and enthusiasm in the classroom and giving 100% every day.

Hilarie - For fantastic work with your CoSpace and for sharing your ideas.

Eva - For the diligence, she shows in her learning and her kind and helpful nature.

Dante - For making great choices and giving his learning 100%

Ellie  -For careful observations during art sessions. You are producing some super art, Ellie!

Tahito - For your kindness. You think of others often Tahito. Thank you for helping to make Rūma tekau mā rua a lovely place to be.

Alana  -For being a super worker and always being a kind and caring friend.

James - For always putting 100% into your learning. Ka pai!

Can you help? 👍🏻

We desperately need some more people to help with road patrol in the mornings and afternoons. It's not an arduous task at all. Please read the article here

Can you help with the pizza lunch? Read the article here 

All of these little bits of help make our school tick - thank you in advance for considering helping out. 

As always, please get in touch if I can help in any way.