Middle's News
The holidays are over and we are straight back into learning!
This term our Inquiry focus is all about systems in science. We will begin this focus by visiting Otago Museum and learning about the solar system. Later in the term we will learn about body systems during our visits to the Life Ed truck. We will also get an opportunity to do some science experiments and discover more about systems.
Our syndicate fitness run will continue to happen each day (weather permitting) so please make sure children have suitable footwear to participate.
Important Dates
Week 2 - Museum trip, Room 3 & 4 Monday 7 May 9:10- 11:30
Week 3 - Museum trip, Room 5 & 6 Monday 14 May 9:10- 11:30
Week 4 - Book week (21-25 May)
Week 7 & 8 - Life Education bus will be visiting Kaikorai
Week 9 - Room 5 assembly
Room 3 Update
As you know Miss Gilbert will be taking maternity leave for one year this term and her last day will be Friday 18th of May (Week 3).
We have found a great teacher to take over the reins of Room 3, his name is John Bish and he comes to us from Ponsonby Primary School in Auckland. He has over 20 years teaching experience and is very much looking forward to making the big move down south.