Felicia Ward — Sep 14, 2021

What a term!

Firstly we want to extend a huge thank you to you for your support during lockdown. We realise you would have been busy at home with work commitments but the effort you put into supporting your children during home learning was outstanding and didn’t go unnoticed. We are so proud of the resilience that the children showed with this and then again coming back to school.

The last three weeks have flown by as we have settled back into routines. We took this time to focus on well being having spent time completing different art and craft projects. We have also been spending some time working on our school movie. This will continue into Term 4 as we prepare for filming. We are so excited for the premiere to showcase our hard work.

We have been making the most of the warmer weather and enjoying getting out for physical education. This week we were lucky to have coaches from Otago Cricket visit to give us a taster into the game. We were so impressed with the skills of the children and have spotted some future Black Caps and White Ferns players.

Next term is going to be a busy one kicking off with Junior Swimming from the 1st of November to the 10th of November. More information and permission forms will be sent home next term but please keep these dates free as we would appreciate parent helpers.

Sadly, today we farewell our fantastic third-year College of Education students Miss Cox (Room 6) and Miss B (Room 7). We have been so lucky to have such enthusiastic and keen student teachers who genuinely care for our students. We wish them well in what we know will be very successful teaching careers.

Lastly, we wish you a restful and safe holiday and look forward to welcoming everyone back in Term 4.

Many thanks

Junior Teachers


8.30 am Bell: A reminder that children and parents are not allowed in classrooms until the 8.30 am bell. This is important prepping time for teachers and meetings may be taking place.

Sun Hats: Sun hats are a requirement for Term 4 so please get these out and ready for the first day back.

Clothes: We have an increasing number of lost property items. Please ensure your child’s clothing is named so it can be returned.

Classroom News:

Rūma Ono:

What a whirlwind few weeks it has been! It has been great being back at school and making the most of our new space and furniture. We love all the different ways we can work in class. Miss Cox has been teaching us the last few weeks and we have been looking at shadows, making kaleidoscopes and learning how to write instructions for people. The yummiest part was following a partner's instructions to make fairy bread. It is her last day on Friday and we are going to miss her so much. We think the next class who gets her as their classroom teacher will be very lucky.

Rūma Whitu:

In Rūma Whitu we have had the lovely Miss B teaching us. We have been learning how to do embroidery. I did a flower and some people did fish, stars or hearts. For writing, we have been looking at fairytales and writing our own fairytale stories about stone age characters. We have been learning about the Stone Age for our movie. We are going to be the Flintstones.

By Evie 

Rūma Waru:

This term Room 8 took on the challenge of growing a flower from a bulb. Our bulb turned into a beautiful, white tulip which we are all very proud of. We are taking great care of our tulip and it is growing very tall.As we have been working well as a team, we earned another 20 marbles in the jar. For our 20 marble treat we got to create “Pinecone People.” We had a lot of fun creating our “Pinecone People” out of pinecones, googly eyes, pipe cleaners and many other bits and pieces. For P.E we have ben learning how to throw, catch and bounce, using small and large balls. This week we were very fortunate to have Jayden, a cricket coach, come to our school. He helped us develop our skills in catching a tennis ball and batting with a cricket bat. It was a wonderful experience for us all. Finally, we have been very busy preparing for our part of the whole school movie. We have been creating different props, refining our dance skills, learning how to act and also learning how to use the green screen. We are really excited about filming at the beginning of next term and look forward to showing you our talents!

Rūma 14: 

Room 14 is a happy class of 9 who are getting used to being at school and getting to know each other. We have had a busy time since lock down sharing our space for part of the day with Room 12. Such fun being with old friends.
We love to dance and sing each morning. We love to play on the slide and in the playground. We are learning to write words and recognise letters. We all love to read books and are getting really good at reading from our book boxes independently.
This week we joined with Room 12 to have cricket coaching for half and hour and this was lots of fun.
Fridays after play we join the rest of the junior classes in the learning street for Funky Friday where we get to choose from a lot of fun activities we also love to come to the learning street to do fitness in the mornings.
After the holidays we will welcome 4 new people into our room. We love to see them when they come to visit during the week.
Room 14 and Mrs Oldfield