Hero photograph
Photo by Amy McBeath

Middles News

Amy McBeath —

Na te whakarongo me te titiro ka puta mai te korero - Through looking and listening, we gain wisdom.

It's hard to believe we're already at the end of term 1!  What a busy but fun term it has been.

Classes have been busy over the last few weeks building their knowledge of their own and other people’s cultures. We've been asking questions, exploring ideas, listening to our parent experts talk about different cultures, brainstorming, creating artwork, sharing ideas, giving feedback, and presenting our final products. I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for your help with our PBL this term. Your involvement has been invaluable to our students and was definitely one of the highlights of our PBL. For those who were able to visit and present to our classes, your willingness to volunteer your time and expertise has been greatly appreciated.

Children finished the term by giving feedback to each other and sharing what they have created with their peers. Room 2 students have shown their culture and what is important to them by displaying their ideas on and inside a pizza box. Room 3 students have created puzzle pieces for a wall display to show their ideas. Room 4 students have created some fridge magnets to share their ideas.

Next term, as part of our PBL, we will explore ideas relating to our solar system, space exploration, and star constellations. As always, we will be on the hunt for anyone who has expertise in this field to share their knowledge with us. Please let us know if you think you or someone you know would be interested in sharing their expertise in this area.

To support this learning, each class will visit the Otago Museum to explore ideas about space and star constellations. More information will be sent home about this once the dates and times have been confirmed.

Take care over the Easter break and school holidays, and we look forward to seeing everyone back bright and sparkly next term (Wednesday, 26th April).

Heoi anō tāku mō nāianei (That is all for now),

Amy McBeath and the middle syndicate team