A new era begins at Kaikorai School
Simon Clarke - August 6, 2021
It was with great pleasure that we opened the first stage of the Kaikorai Rebuild Programme.
Thank you to Vai Mahutariki and the students from Otago Boys High School who blessed the first seven classrooms. It was a beautiful way to start the day and a great way to mark the next exciting chapter for education at Kaikorai Primary School.
The children have been amazing today as we move most of our items out of their classes and into the new spaces. It has been so pleasing to see the smiles and excitement on their faces as they settled into their new spaces!
Some reminders
- Room 1 is now Room 10/Ruma Tekau
- Room 1A is now Room 11/Ruma Tekau Ma Tahi
- Room 2A is now Room 12/Ruma Tekau Ma Rua
- Room 2 is now Room 9/Ruma Iwa
- Room 6 will have a new name
- Room 7 is now Room 6/Ruma Ono
- Room 9 is now Room 7/Ruma Whitu
- Room 10 is now Room 8/Ruma Waru
- Room 12 will become Room 13
- The Old Room 10 space will become Room 14
- The new office can be found at the northern end of the new block
Progress doesn't stop and we start the next stage of building, next week
At some stage next week the Wright St entrance will be closed. The Tyne St entrance will be the main entrance and we will open a second entrance by the sports field that opens onto the Stuart St off-ramp.
Please take note of the letter regarding asbestos removal attached to this newsletter. This begins next Thursday.
Finally, thank you in advance to all of the parents attending the Parent Group Working Bee on Sunday between 1-3pm.
Kind regards
Simon Clarke