Middles News
It's hard to believe that we are already at the end of the first term. We've managed to pack in quite a lot this term, and it's been great to see our middle syndicate students already growing as learners and setting themselves goals to achieve.
Classes have been busy over the last few weeks building their knowledge of the great Pacific Migration. We've been asking questions, reading journal articles, brainstorming, creating artworks, watching the Land of Voyages video clips, and sharing ideas.
We were lucky enough to have Amadeo from the Otago Museum visit. He showed us some awesome science experiments as well as teaching us some science facts related to clouds.
Next term we look forward to sharing with you our project which answers the question 'How can we as chroniclers share the amazing story of Pacific migration?' As part of this, we have been looking at how to make a book using 'Book Creator'. It was fantastic to have local author Rachel McCoubry talk to us about the process of making a book, and generously gifting a selection of books to our school. A big message that we learned from her is the importance of editing. We've also been looking at different class projects on Book Creator and thinking about what works and what we need to consider when adding text, images, and a range of other items to our own books.
Mrs Kumar has been doing a tremendous job of increasing our musical knowledge through assembly times. Children have been learning about specific vocabulary and have enjoyed the fun way that Mrs Kumar has helped them understand how to sing forte (loud) and piano (soft) as well as several variations of these words.
Term 2
Next term each class will have a visit to the Otago Museum to further develop our understanding of Pacific migration.
Room 3 - Wednesday 12th May (10:30am - 12:00pm)
Room 4 - Wednesday 12th May (1:00pm - 2:30pm)
Room 5 - Thursday 13th May (10:30am - 12:00pm)
Room 6 - Thursday 13th May (1:00pm - 2:30pm)
More information will be given about these visits early next term.
Once our Pacific migration PBL is complete, we will begin looking into the Tokyo Olympic games. We've got some amazing activities planned for this that we'll be sharing with you soon.
Next term, Miss Gilbert will be back in Room 3 after being away on maternity leave. I'd like to thank Mr Bish for his contribution to the middle syndicate during this time, and I know Room 3 will look forward to working with him each Friday for the remainder of this year.
Heoi anō tāku mō nāianei (That is all for now),
Amy McBeath and the middle syndicate team