Hero photograph
Photo by Beth Downie

Week 9 news

Beth Downie —

Staffing update 🏫

We are excited to announce that Ruth Faulkner has been appointed the Junior team leader for 2024 and onward. Ruth is an experienced junior teacher with a recent background working at the University of Otago College of Education and as a principal.

We are thrilled that Ruth is joining the Kaikorai Primary School team, and we look forward to her teaching in Rūma rima next year.

We will let you know who the 2024 teacher of Rūma tekau mā tahi will be next week once we have completed the appointment process.

Drama and choir performance 🎅🏻

The drama club and choir thoroughly entertained us with their performance of 'Shapin' up Santa'. This committed group of children have been working on the show for most of the term, learning their speaking lines, dances and songs - We loved it; well done!

Thanks to Mrs Ferguson, AK and Mrs Cockroft for giving up their lunchtimes to make the magic happen for our keen actors.

Christmas at the beach disco 🏖

It was great seeing so many students having fun and dancing at the disco this week. 

Not only was this a fundraiser for our school, but it was an opportunity to have some festive fun with our friends. 

Thanks to the Parents' Group for organising this event.

The Parents' Group always welcomes new members to help organise events for our children and fundraising opportunities for Kaikorai School; we hope to encourage some new families to join the group in 2024.

Click here to view the photographs from last night.

Backfield and grassed area 🌳

This space is open from Monday! We will have an outdoor assembly on our new terraced area, feel the grass under our feet and fly the drone to take some photos of the occasion. Our children have been patient and flexible in how they played while we grew the grass, but we are excited to have this space to play on and know the impact it will have.

Tree planting 🌲

Today, an incredible thing happened. The Brits whānau, whose time at Kaikorai is coming to an end, donated a considerable amount of trees, plants and seedlings to enhance the greenery in our area. Children from Rūma tekau mā tahi and selected children from each class dug holes, got their hands dirty and planted some trees to create peaceful spaces around our school.

Thanks to Lisa and Pieter, Sienna, Jakob and Jesse for your incredibly thoughtful and kind gift.

We also had ice creams and a sausage sizzle to celebrate the special occasion - thank you to the Night 'n Day for the treats.

Mokopuna Ora Literacy Competition

The University of Canterbury recently held a writing competition centred on the theme of tamariki and rangatahi views on well-being. There were over 300 entries, and James W from Rūma ono won 2nd place in the 5-7 year old category.

5-7 Year Prompt

If you were a superhero whose special power was to make everyone happy and healthy, what would your superhero name be? Describe a day in the life of your superhero self and how you bring well-being to the world.

James' Writing

Krundo the Superhero

I would enjoy the day helping others with abilities that they couldn’t do before. I would try to stop all the pollution to protect the atmosphere. I will help people to overcome their fear and I will try to provide good hospitality. I would help with infections. I think it will help people feel comfortable. I will help people with their pronunciation. I will help people proceed in math. I will help people evacuate the buildings when there is a fire and get them out safely without getting hurt. I will also try to reduce the pain when they are hurt. 

Reports were issued today ✍🏻

Reports were issued via email today. Your child's report has their next year's teacher on it. When you see the placement, it may not be your preferred choice, but please be reassured that teachers and the leadership team have spent hours pondering the best place for each child. We consider social, emotional and academic needs when establishing the best fit for them.

Many families took the opportunity to have discussions earlier this term after reading in the newsletter that meetings with me were encouraged to talk about any considerations regarding class placement for 2024.

Please note that class changes for the next year are not possible.

Thank you for your understanding. 

Stationery lists 2024 📚

If you want to beat the back-to-school rush and order stationery for next year, please click this LINK; you will find your child's class on their school report that will be issued via email today.

Principal's awards 🌟

Genevieve  For being so good at helping and supporting the class with their ‘elf making’. Ka rawe!

Sammy For great progress with working out 2 digit subtraction and addition problems. Ka pai!

Marley For the awesome attitude you have towards your learning, you are always giving everything 100%

Layla For being caring and supportive to everyone in our classroom, you fill Ruma Toru with kindness every single day. Ka pai!

Felix S For working hard on his reading activities, especially his shark reading project. Ka pai hoki koe!

Josie For always giving her best, showing the KAIK values in the classroom and playground. Tino pai rawa atu!

Harper For the kind and thoughtful things she does for others. Harper, you sure know how to put a smile on someone’s face!

Fynn For the positivity you bring to everything you do. I love how you try new things with a smile and how you LOVE learning!

Emery For thinking of others and doing small things each day to create an amazing classroom for everyone. Mīharo!

Freddie H For an excellent year of kindness and learning. You are an outstanding Kaik Kid. Ka pai hoki koe!

Maggie For being a wonderful ‘Teacher Assistant’ to Mrs Fisher. Maggie, you are always ready to lend a helping hand and I really do appreciate all that you do around the classroom. Ka pai hoki koe!

Fletcher  For displaying great leadership skills and having an amazing attitude towards his learning. Tino pai rawa atu!

Saige For your amazing kindness towards your friends. You are always the first person to make sure someone is ok when they are hurt or upset! You are an awesome friend Saige!

Edward For your outstanding effort towards your learning. You always try your hardest and this has shown through the improvements you have made this term. Ka Pai Edward!

Ivy L For your dedication to our collaborative art piece for the exhibition. We are lucky to have you and your clay modelling skills in Rūma Iwa!

Ava For making the most of camp by giving everything a go with a positive attitude. You showed amazing KAIK values!

Leon  For an incredible 'can-do' attitude at camp. Your willingness to step outside of your comfort zone did not go unnoticed. Tino pai rawa atu!

Ivy H For being a helpful, kind and considerate class member. You are a valuable member of our team. Ka pai hoki koe!

Max  M For giving everything in your learning 100%. Jill and I are so proud of you!

Nellie  For your positive attitude towards everything. You are a ray of sunshine in our class.

Tayla C For having an amazing attitude during Year 5 Activity Week, giving everything your all. Ka pai hoki koe!

Sophie For her amazing can do attitude at camp, taking on all challenges and building your confidence. Mīharo!

Georgie M For your awesome can do attitude towards your learning. You have had an outstanding first year of school. Ka pai!

Lulu H  For being an amazing leader in Rm 13. You always encourage others and make sure everyone is included. What a fantastic first year of school!