Sarah Gilbert — Jun 10, 2021

The Kaikorai museum was a great success, the children loved checking out the exhibits and showing parents what they created. A lot of work and learning went into creating the 'books' and they really loved the hands on task of building their waka. They especially enjoyed looking at and playing with the exhibits made by other classes. It really felt like we were at a museum.

We are now moving onto our next PBL focus which is 'The Movie'. Over the last couple of weeks the middles have been watching the school movies. Seeing people they know within their own communities such as dance and cheer groups, siblings, our senior students as juniors and for a few, themselves as brand new students to the school has been a real highlight. Those of us who have been involved in the movie making process know there is a lot of work involved. For the rest of the term we will be learning the skills and prior knowledge we will need to have before we make the movie. There will be lots of work around camera angles, story boarding, scripting, entertaining an audience, making a trailer, advertising and much more.

Next week we are going to the Science Shows at Balmacewen Intermediate. The Year 7 students have created these shows as a part of their PBL learning. It will be a fantastic opportunity for us all to see what PBL can look like at a higher level.

We have parent interviews coming up in Week 10 of this term after reports go home, these interviews are 15 minutes long and run over three days. Please note that some classes will have some times available before school as well. We do look forward to these meetings as it is a wonderfull opportunity to work together and talk about goals, progress and the things that matter to you and your child.