Middles News
Amy McBeath - June 29, 2023
It has been great to see students so engaged with learning new skills, and demonstrating a willingness to problem solve as part of our space themed PBL. Different classes have looked at Scratch programming, Edison Robots, and used Lego Wedo kits to explore robotics. Seeing students work in different groups and share excitement in successfully programming their robots was definitely a highlight for this term.
Students have been learning lots of interesting facts about our solar system and beyond throughout the term. Visiting the planetarium at the museum was great way to build on their existing understandings.
On Wednesday, Room 4 went to the plantarium. We saw space. It was so fun. We got to see some galaxies. We got to see a star collapse on itself and turn into a supernova. I liked the planets. We found out that mercury is the closest planet to the sun and that venus is the hottest planet. We saw some constellations. My favourite part was watching the planetarium.
By Harriet
On Wednesday the 21st we went (room 4) to the planetarium. We got to see constellations, black holes, Matariki and so many other galaxies. And we saw Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and lucky last Pluto. My favourite part was base camp because we got to shine the torches to make constellations.
By Gus
Room 4 Went to the Otago museum. We went to the planetarium. At the planetarium we looked at stars, planets, and moons in our solar and other galaxies🪐
We made a way to see what the the stars looked like when it was your birth date, when you were born.And then we did some cool magic with torches. My favourite part was the planetarium. I loved the museum.
By Philip
Kaikorai Orchestra On Tour 2023
On Tuesday 27/6/23 our orchestra went on tour to Balmacewen Intermediate. We walked down with our friends after packing the instruments into Sophie’s mum’s car and Alexis and Luci’s grandma’s car.
Luci: After we played one song we got to have two cookies and a cup of water.Then we played outside for 10 or 5 minutes then we played the rest of the songs.We played Water moon,Cool Blues,Procession of the King and Thorrington Blues.
Genevieve: It was awesome. I got to go down with a buddy.
Mateo: It was a lot of fun. It was my first workshop. After we played Thorrington blues, we played outside for 15 minutes. I was playing the violin.
Eric: It was great and was also very fun playing,I play first violin. I helped with the set-up. We had to do way more than what we usually do (very fun.) Then we went to go and eat very good cookies.Then we had to play the hardest piece ever, then the rest of the day went really good.
Looking ahead
As a part of our Education Outside The Classroom (EOTC), classes in the middle syndicate will be having a day trip at Tirohanga Camp in Term 4. More information on the dates, times, and cost will be sent through newsletters next term.
In term 4, students in the middle syndicate will also take part in 8 swimming sessions with Jill Clarke Swim School. More information on the dates, times, and cost will be sent through to you once this has been confirmed.
Thank you!
Finally, I would like to say a big thank you to the teachers for their hard work this term, our teacher aides for their continued support to our classroom programmes. To our parent community, thank you for taking the time to engage and support your child's learning. Our tamariki also deserve a pat on the back for their hard work and determination this term - keep being great KAIK kids!
Noho ora mai (Stay well),
Amy McBeath, Emma Riley, & Jill Kumar