Hero photograph
Photo by Jill Kumar

Kaikorai Primary and Balmacewen Intermediate Orchestra Workshop

Jill Kumar —

On Tuesday our school orchestra had a workshop with the local Intermediate school. Read more to see how it went..

In the morning it rained, but we were all ready with wet weather gear.  Dunedin changed it's mind again, and as we arrived at Balmacewen,  the sun appeared, and with it beautiful heat for the day.  In the PAC rooms (Performing Arts Centre) their Balmac orchestra were already practising, so we waited for a few minutes then went in.  

It was so good to see so many of our ex-Kaikorai Primary children there.  They were pleased to see us too!  We needed to get extra chairs as they were not expecting such a lot of us.  We got to sit with their orchestra, and then  music was handed out.  We played 'A Day at the Carnival' first, which we had looked at before the workshop, and it sounded so good with all the extra players.  Next Jo Brusse from Balmacewen conducted a new piece called 'Pirates of the Aegan'.  We liked the way it sounded as it had a neat tune.  The percussion section got to play really loud!  Last of all we worked on a hard piece called 'Procession of the King'.  It was really challenging for the violins and the flutes, but they did really well. We ended by playing all three pieces.

The morning only got better.  Hot chips arrived, and we got to eat them at Balmac with some of their players.  Then we had a very hot and steamy walk back to school.  Thank you to our parents who helped with transport and walking down to the event!