Senior news March 2020
It has been another action-packed few weeks in the Senior Syndicate.
A group of senior students took part in the Lit Quiz at DNI last week and were up against a number of other pupils were they were challenged on all aspects of children's literature. It was a tricky quiz but they really enjoyed being involved and challenging themselves.
R1,1A and 4 have finished their 6 session coaching course with Y12 pupils from OGHS. They have really enjoyed their fundamental skills coaching over the last few weeks and have shown good development during this time.
A few weeks ago, the senior team travelled to Kaikorai Valley High School to participate in their annual sports expo. We took part in a wide variety of sports from traditional codes like tennis and hockey to more unusual sports like cornhole, ultimate frisbee, marching and rock climbing. It really was a neat event that we were invited to and so great for our pupils to exposed to such a range of sports and activities.
Unfortunately, as you know, due to Covid-19, our Y5 activity week and Y6 camp have been postponed until 24th-27th November. I will be in touch with more information in due course. We thank you for your understanding during this challenging time.
As always, thank you for your ongoing support.
Ngā mihi
Beth Downie and the Senior team.