News from the Junior syndicate...

Susan Oldfield —

What a fabulous week of warm weather we have had, it makes us all feel so much more energetic. Please ensure you have a named school sun hat  for your child. See the office if you have not yet bought one. Every child needs a water bottle every day.

The children have been  busy learning about caring for our pets over the last two weeks.  Marjorie Orr from the SPCA came to visit all the classes with her big dogs Kudos and Ralph and the children were able to learn their life story. We talked about stand tall and still like a tree or get low, lie like a log if a dog comes up to you.

Now we are beginning our Inquiry about structures. Our first focus is to examine what a structure is. Some classes are building structures using lego, blocks or boxes. Keep talking to your child about what they are learning in their class.

Room 9 are having a turn over the next  two weeks in the Makerspace with Pip Dick. Then Room 7 in weeks 5 and 6 and finally Room 10 in weeks 7 and 8. Room 11 will be split between these classes so they too can have a turn.

Room's 7 and  8 currently have student teachers in their rooms for 3 weeks. Mrs Gemma  Matsopoulos Room 8  and Miss Mary Ainsworth Room 7. We welcome them to Kaikorai Primary.

Some important reminders

  • Swimming starts on the 15th November a notice has been sent  home.  Please return them by early next week.
  • Please remember that children are only allowed into classrooms after the 8.30 bell. Please wait outside until you hear the bell.
  • PMP finishes next week.  We always need help please come along in the final week. Thank you to the parents who are so loyal and come along every week you are amazing.
  • Head lice have raised their nasty little heads again so please regularly check your child's head. The sooner we stop the infestation the better for all.