Beth Downie — Aug 4, 2020

What a fantastic start to Term 3 the Senior crew have had. We are well into our Term 3 PBL -Project Based Learning. You may have heard words like driving questions, entry events, and clients,  being spoken about at home. The driving question drives everything we do, it helps us focus our learning and keep our client and authentic purpose in mind. The senior classes driving question is " How can we as logistics experts, make sure supplies travel through the school without getting in the way of students and teachers?"  As part of our Hills Cluster project, we are then going to focus our learning on the hospital rebuild and our driving question becomes "How can we as logistics experts, make sure supplies travel through the hospital without getting in the way of staff and patients?" We are learning about coding, signs and systems.

We would love some parents with interests in any of these areas to reach out to us so our learners have the opportunity to pick your brain and practice asking questions and sorting information. Please let your child's teacher or myself know if you can help out.  

We took 40 senior students down to Bishopscourt for the Hills Cluster Cross Country on Tuesday. Everyone tried their hardest and competed very well running the 2Km excellently. The top 10 in each age group go through to the Otago Champs in September.  Really well done to those students who are eligible for this next stage.

I was thrilled to take 20 students to the Edgar Centre last week to train them to become our PAL  leaders. PAL stands for Physical activity leaders, and students learn about holding games and activities to encourage our pupils are active during lunchtimes, to develop their leadership skills, and to learn about inclusiveness. We are week one into the programme and I have seen many juniors and middle pupils enjoying the opportunities our PAL pupils are providing at lunchtime. Keep up the great work PAL. 

As always, please don't hesitate to get in touch if we can help out in any way.

Ngā mihi maioha.

Beth Downie and the senior staff.