Simon Clarke — Jun 9, 2021

I was immensely proud of your children and the staff for the learning that they displayed at our Kaikorai Museum

Their brief was to tell the amazing story of Pacific migration.  It was a pleasure to share this information at a very relaxed and enjoyable parent evening and hopefully, the children were able to educate our wider community with some new information.

Much of the work was based upon a website called Maatauranga which is driven by Sir Ian Taylor and his team at Animation Research. Sir Ian was able to fit us into his busy schedule and was amazed at the understanding that our students showed and the quality of work they produced.  The teachers planning and children's projects will be showcased on the Maatauranga website in the near future.

We are getting to an exciting time of the rebuild as stage 1 nears completion.  We are hoping to move in some time in August and along with the excitement and positives of moving into new classes after a long wait, there will be some interruptions and changes that we will all have to deal with.  I have tried to provide all that I know at this stage in this months property news but things change quickly as more information comes to hand so this is not the full and final plan.  What I am looking forward to is the opening which I am sure will be a very special event.

Following Term 1 community consultation, it is clear that parents value face to face interviews over written reports.  71% found the interviews very useful compared to 37% who find the reports very useful.  For this reason, we have decided to spend more time as a staff on the interviews and keep using the post-Covid written report format from last year.  Interviews will be increased to 15 minutes where you will be provided information about where your child is at, what their next learning steps and goals are, their social interactions, their strengths and any areas of concern.  We are expecting a 100% turn out from parents either via face to face interview, zoom, google meet or a phone call.  To make your booking please go to this article.

Kind regards

Simon Clarke