Felicia Ward — Jul 8, 2022

It is hard to believe we are halfway through the school year!

Much like the last few years, it has been unpredictable and ever-changing. For our children in the juniors, this is school life as normal, knowing no different. The resilience, positivity and love of life that the children show daily is truly admirable and refreshing in what can be challenging times.

We have loved welcoming many new faces to Kaikorai this term. Charlotte, Hazel, Ezra, Maggie and Fletcher who have just turned five. Lara, Maise and Eli who have joined us from other schools and of course our wonderful new teachers Miss Gold and Miss Wilson.


The junior children have taken their guardians of the school role very seriously. The children recognised our lack of garden due to the rebuild and with that a lack of bird and bug life at school. We have been busy researching and exploring many different gardens with some particular favourites being sensory gardens. A highlight has been a visit from Tahu from Orokonui Ecosanctuary. She taught us about specific plants and we even went on a plant hunt - so much fun! Classes are now beginning to make products such as model gardens, planter boxes and fairy gardens. We look forward to concluding our products in Term 3 and hopefully seeing more bird and bug life return to our school.

Parent Interviews

Thank you for taking the time to come along to parent interviews this week. It is a great chance to celebrate your child's successes as well as get a snapshot into their school life. We hope you found these interviews and written reports informative and helpful. As always, if you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher - we are always happy to help!

Finally, we wish you all a well earned break and a safe and relaxing holiday with friends and family. We look forward to seeing you all again for another busy term.

Ngā mihi nui,

Junior Teachers