by Beth Downie

Parent Group news

We need you!

2024 School Fair - Help still needed

As mentioned in the previous newsletter, we will need help from our Kaikorai Community to make next year's fair a success. We would love expressions of interest for those who are keen to be part of the Fair Committee by Tuesday, 17th October. As a member of this committee, you would be part of a group who are going to coordinate the fair. Please email

Beth or any of the members of the Parent Group are happy to answer any questions you might have about what would be involved - please don't hesitate to get in touch. The school fair is our biggest fundraiser and an amazing event for our community. We would love to begin the planning next term and look forward to working with you all.

Term 4 Art Exhibition

All children will have a piece of art on display at the Kaikorai Primary School Art Exhibition that is happening in Week 6, Term 4, as part of the school-wide PBL project.

The Parent Group will be running some raffles at the exhibition. It would be amazing if anyone could help by donating items to go into our 'Taste of Otago' hampers. Items like local honey, peanut butter, vouchers, coffee, etc. These donations would be greatly appreciated and can be dropped into the school office anytime up until Friday, 3rd November. Thank you in advance for your support.

Key Dates

Pizza lunch: Wednesday 8th November

Disco Thursday 7th December

Next Parent Group meeting: Wednesday 18th November, 7:15 pm, Kaikorai Staffroom - ALL WELCOME